Thursday, September 4, 2008


Do you know what you are going to do tomorrow? That was the question that our CYAR facilitator asked us last night. His point, of course, is that we THINK we know just what we will do tomorrow. We THINK we have it all planned out. When we really don't know. His point was that we can change what will happen tomorrow and do something different. Do something better.

This question had a totally different meaning to me. Ross's cousin had died over the weekend. His cousin that is just a handful of years older than Ross. His cousin that went to work that morning thinking he knew what he was going to do that day. His day was probably planned out to the smallest detail. Travel plans, work details, lunch plans, maybe even dinner plans. But, he never made it home. I just kept thinking about that during our talk. I think that if everyday we live TODAY like we really don't know what tomorrow will bring. Live like we might not make it back home the next night. Live like our loved ones might not make it home the next night. I wonder what that would look like? What would you say differently? What would you do differently? Something better? Something more meaningful?

Please pray for Jim Monahan's family, Pray for Aunt Joy and Uncle Jack, pray for Ross's Mom & Dad and all the rest of the family.

and I ask you, What does your tomorrow look like? What about Today? What about right now?

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